What We Do

In a Nutshell

Children's Reading Room is a non-profit family resource organization that promotes early literacy and a love of books and reading! Each time anyone visits the CRR, they will go home with a free children's book! It's theirs to keep, read, love, and cherish. No need to sign up for a membership or return the books. A welcoming, accessible, and comfortable place where families can socialize, browse books, read to their children, participate in planned literacy-focused activities, and of course, build up their home library!

Our Mission

Through engagement with families in an inclusive community space and distribution of children’s books free of charge, our mission is to enhance literacy skills, family wellness and promote a lifelong love of reading!

Our Purposes

To advance education by providing books, literacy resources and programming to families and children at no cost

To advance education and promote health by communicating the importance of reading to children and its impact on healthy development

To relieve poverty and promote diversity, inclusion and social engagement by providing cultural, educational, and

inclusive family programs that engage and support newcomers to Canada and individuals living in high-needs


Just as we strive to provide children’s bodies with a balanced diet of food, so should we strive to provide children with a balanced diet of books for their minds
— Andrea DeBruin-Parecki, Ph.D.